Lindes intends to be a meeting point devoted to the documentation and creation processes involved in documentary filmmaking, with a focus on ethnography and borders –the very name of the section, “Lindes”, is the Galician word for “borders”. Lindes is devoted to exploring frontiers: those that go hand in hand with ethnographic cinema (a field where the limits that separate fiction and documentary tend to be blurry), those of different representational styles, and the geographic and cultural borders represented in ethnographic films.
The audiovisual works featured in Lindes are WIPs that haven’t reached the stage of being eligible for competitive sections but still offer exciting perspectives for anthropological debate, exhibitions or installations that promote ethnography with the help of audiovisual tools, and pieces aiming at disseminating the elements that compose the cultural identity of a specific territory.
Both sessions of the section in this 19th edition belong to these premises. They will be two training and informative sessions, since they will feature two projects under construction, work in progress, which address the border, in particular the border between Galicia and Portugal.
One of them is by the filmmaker Diana Gonçalves, Transfronteiriza, and the other is Iván Castiñeiras’.
saturday, march 23, at 5.00 pm. Auditorium of the Museo do Pobo Galego
Tickets: Vivetix and the day of the projection from an hour before in the reception of the Museo.
Diana Gonçalves is a cultural manager. Multidisciplinary and cross-border communicator, researcher and creative. Independent documentary filmmaker.
Her proposal Transfronteiriza is a multidisciplinary project, an installation based on the documentation gathered for previous audiovisual projects and creations by the author, such as Mulleres da Raia (2009), Palmira (2017) or her thesis on the memory of the border. This exhibiting proposal has the support of MICE, Museo do Pobo Galego, and Melgaço Municipal Chamber (Portugal), as well as the collaboration of other entities and administrations of both countries. It is scheduled to be open in 2025.

LINDES with iván castiñeiras
sunday, march 24, at 11.00 am. Auditorium of the Museo do Pobo Galego
Tickets: Vivetix and the day of the projection from an hour before in the reception of the Museo.
Iván Castiñeiras is a filmmaker. He studied cinema at the National School of Cinema in Portugal (E.S.T.C.), at École Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière in France, and in the E.S.C.A.C. in Spain. He has been in charge of the cinematography of both fiction and documentary feature film. Besides, as as a filmmaker he has presented works in festivals such as IndieLisboa, Doclisboa, Festival de Edimburgo, Playdoc, Dock´s Kingdom, Centre Pompidou, etc.
Through the staging of stories in which the real and imaginary universe mingle, his films address xeopolitical issues, borders and territoriality. His cinematographic proposals tell the story of characters “at sea”: smugglers, emigrants, exiles, adventurers, etc. Figures that are inscribed between the visible and the invisible and that reveal a way of life out of the common.
Iván will share with the audience his creative process and will delve, in addition to his work in progress Deuses de pedra, in which he is currently working, into other previous projects such as the interactive audiovisual installation Chemin battus, and the short films Ou est la jungle, Trajectory Drift and A Raia.

The parallel section Lindes combines on this occasion the training and informative nature. There will be relevant sessions for audiovisual professionals and people in anthropology and history fields. To participate, prior registration is recommended. You can do it for free at indicating Session Diana Gonçalves or Session Iván Castiñeiras.
Some of the filmes of Diana Gonçalves and Iván Castiñeiras (Palmira, A Raia…) as well as another reference films when creating their respective works, will also be part of the MICE on line, where they will be available to the public for viewing.