MICE Petís is the school programme within the Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico organized by the Museo do Pobo Galego. Cinema and creative media are an important axis in society for the training and education of people in socio-cultural development. As MICE is also an event organised by DEAC (the Museum’s Department of Education and Cultural Action), we could not ignore the youngest members of the public.
As part of our strategy of collaborating with other Galician and foreign festivals, also for the school programme, this year we have Olloboi as a guest festival. This is an audiovisual event of short films made in schools that has been organised since 2009 by a non-profit association based in Boiro. Aimed at all educational levels, it is particularly popular with pre-adolescents, which is of great interest to us in creating new audiences. We are screening a selection of short films made for this festival in recent years; There will be an on-site programme of morning sessions, as well as a digital programme that lasts until the end of the school year and that can be programmed by teachers in their own schools. As part of this collaboration, we will be having an out of competition screening of the documentary that tells the story of this festival: Cadernas de Olloboi, specifically in the opening session.
Schools can apply for this activity, free of charge, by sending an e-mail to: servizosdeac@museodopobo.gal or by calling 981 58 36 20.