It is a proposal to take MICE beyond the space and time of the event, which allows the online viewing of films that have passed through previous editions of MICE.
The works that can be seen from March 13 to 30 through the website are:

Best Film 17 MICE
2021 | 73 min | Germany | Germany Original versión Subtitled in Galician
Director: Benjamin Rost
A desert bordered by a deep cold sea. A torn landscape which hides the purest diamonds on earth deep beneath it. Digging for these diamonds with bare hands day and night, are young men on the frontier of a new diamond rush in South Africa. Hope beckons for the previously drug addicted Vianey who yearns for a better life. Nelson Mandela’s dream urges the homeless cook Patrick on into this new, hopeful future. Only George, the diamond diver, who once was a millionaire, is still hanging on to his memories of a bygone time. A poetic journey through the desert, the wind and the sand.

Award AGANTRO for anthropological excellence in 17 MICE
2020 | 59 min | Francia I Original Versión Subtitled in Galician
Director: Frédéric Mainçon
At the Palais de Tokyo, a major Parisian modern art center, security agents watch over the artworks, and frisk and screen the visitors. What do they notice? What are they thinking?

Galician Section 12 MICE
2016 | 28 min | Galicia
Director: David Vázquez
Screenwriters: David Vázquez and Lorena Gallardo
A walk through the past, present and future of the Ribeirao Carnival, an ancestral festival that was celebrated in many parishes of the Ribeira Sacra in Chantada (Lugo) and that survived the censorship of the church during the Franco period and that now resists only in Moredo (parroquia de San Ago de Arriba) to rural depopulation, thanks to the work done by the Asociación Amigos do Entroido Ribeirao.

Audience Award 17 MICE
2021 | 66 min | Galicia
Director: Antonio Caeiro and Margarita Teijeiro
Using old films and archival footage kept by the inhabitants of Vilagarcía de Arousa and donated to the association O Faiado da Memoria, the film reconstructs the life of the town in the days of yore, portraying a space and a lifestyle that has little to do to with what we can see today. The film plays with different pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, assembling and disassembling it, taking us on a trip through experiences and places rescued from the 1920s-1980s. In the film, a group of people of different ages gather around a projector in the living room of a hypothetical house, watch those images and share their thoughts about them.

Lindes section 18 MICE
2021-22 I 70 min I Portugal
Multiple authors
A selection of short films by filmmakers created under the umbrella of Plano Frontal, an initiative by Lugar do Real – a project by AO NORTE (Associação de Produção e Animação Audiovisual) for screening documentary films for pedagogic, research, and cultural purposes.
As cartas que nunca te escrevi
2018 I 12 min I Portugal
Director: Tomás Barão da Cunha
2019 I 13 min I Portugal
Director: Inês Silva
Águas profundas
2017 I 15 min I Portugal
Director: Josephine van Grinsven
Ás netas que Deus nos deu
2020 I 28 min I Portugal
Director: Filipe Nunes Branco e Inês T. Alves