The Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico kicks off its parallel activities with the premiere of two pieces by the filmmaker Xisela Franco about the seafaring culture of the town of A Guarda (Pontevedra). It will take place next Wednesday, March 23, at 18:30 at the Museo do Pobo Galego, free of charge, until full capacity is reached. These are two creations developed by the project Atlantic Culture Scape A Guarda, which make visible the intangible heritage of the town, where its people, the sea and the seafaring culture are the backbone elements. In this way, the two audiovisual pieces approach the world of the sea from the experimental ethnography. A vision between documentary and poetry that brings us closer to the seafaring world of A Guarda and its people. The event will be attended by the creators of the documentary and the protagonists: The Asociación de Redeiras do Baixo Miño Atalaia and Embarcacións Tradicionais O Piueiro, that will close the day with a skit. This day is framed within the parallel activities offered by A Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico (MICE) Museo do Pobo Galego. |

Atlantic CultureScape is an initiative that studies and makes visible the intangible heritage of the Atlantic area. Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the INTERREG Atlantic Area program, the program promotes transnational cooperation between 36 Atlantic regions of five European states. In this way, different entities and organizations from places such as Ireland, Wales, Cantabria, Andalusia, Portugal, […] and Galicia! This is how Atlantic CultureScape A Guarda was born, a community project promoted by the University of Vigo and carried out thanks to the collaboration of the aforementioned associations, among other local actors.
Thus, through the project, a creative and collective process was woven with the sea as a common thread, resulting in different actions and participatory activities that value, make visible and disseminate the local intangible heritage. Among other initiatives, two routes were created in which all this heritage built and sustained by the people who lived and live in A Guarda is collected. With these two audiovisual creations we try, once again, to put the focus on local communities: the bearers and transmitters of traditional knowledge and know-how. In this way, Atlantic CultureScape A Guarda aims to make known not only the landscape of the fishing village, but also its history and its tangible and intangible heritage.